Monday 31 October 2016

Singapore Cinema

Ah Boys to Men ( 2012)

In Singapore, all singaporean aged 18 and above must serve the army. As this film, tells about a boy who first try to give excuse during his NS training and than later part became a men after he learnt that he need to play a part by guarding his nation. The main hero, Ken chow played by Joshua tan who was a spoiled child who relocated to enlist into National service. Ken chow tried all kind off tricks to be excused before and during his training. Lastly, things got worse, when he wit is army mates who are Lobang as know as (Wang liang), Aloysius Jin ( Max Lim) and I.P Man ( Noah Yap) as all of them find them self in trouble with the sergeant. Than all came to end, when Ken chow father met in a accident , which made Ken chow to become a men enough to complete the NS.

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